Your identity doesn't come from your address.
Occasionally the conflict between 'what we stand for' and 'what we do' has been forthrightly addressed.
The automotive X Prize, to a great degree, is focused on addressing petroleum usage and carbon emissions.
I used to say that you'll have 10 IP address on your body... and it looks like that's going to happen through medical monitoring.
I got into television in 1998 when I didn't have a computer or even an email address.
Imitation cannot go above its model.
All issues of crime are better addressed at the state level.
But despite the universality of URLs, we often forget that they're not just a handy way to address network resources. They're also valuable communication tools.
Theater has an incredible capacity to move people to social change, to address issues, to inspire social revolution.
It is extremely important to me that the social and environmental issues associated with the production of fashion clothing are addressed.
To preach the Gospel requires that the preacher should believe that he is sent to those whom he is addressing at the moment, because God has among them those whom He is at the moment calling; it requires that the speaker should expect a response.
All good children's books, I think, address metaphysical issues in some kind of way.
Harvey Milk: [addressing to a crowd] My fellow degenerates...
The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that ou...
But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle.
I try to address my audiences intelligently. The man in the street counts, but sometimes he forgets that he counts.
Prior to that I testified before the Senate subcommittee addressing mountaintop removal.
She says his eyes address her like the silence of the snow.
Transporting Americans is and should be one of the most important functions our government must address.
Muslim delegates concerned about rights in Palestine could have brought their enthusiasm closer to home by addressing the fate of black Christians being slaughtered and enslaved in the Sudan.
I'm somebody who believes in funny things, and laughing, but I do like for them to come from a place that addresses the human condition.