As a writer one is allowed to have conversations with oneself. What is considered sane in writers is made for the rest of the human race.
In speaking, for convenience, of devices and expedients, I did not intend to imply that Shakespeare always deliberately aimed at the effects which he produced.
I think rock 'n' roll would become exponentially, considerably more difficult to perform past about 65.
It is the will of the American people that we have a right to protect our flag and this can only be accomplished by passing a Constitutional amendment.
Our flag is not just one of many political points of view. Rather, the flag is a symbol of our national unity.
One of the things I learned in law school is that there's nothing wrong or undesirable or dishonorable or destructive about amending the Constitution.
The electronic spectrum is the only natural resource in which there's no such thing as private property rights. You can't own a piece of the spectrum.
There is no dispute that Albany needs to be changed. There is no dispute that the current situation in Albany is untenable. Nobody knows that better than I do.
Whether you voted for me or not, going through the Democratic process had made me a better candidate. I am a smarter, better candidate.
I don't think anyone would argue with the notion that there have been serious abuses on Wall Street.
We are only beginning to learn what to say in a photograph. The world we live in is a succession of fleeting moments, any one of which might say something significant.
As demand shifts from offline retailers with limited shelf space to online channels with much larger assortments, the sales distribution is not getting fatter in the tail.
It's really not fun to have seen a movie that you want to talk about, and you can't find anyone else who's seen it.
Well, there is an attorney-client privilege here that needs to be respected, and it's a privilege that has been found to be worthy of protection by our courts.
I feel very confident that that information should be sufficient for the members of the Senate to make an informed decision about John Roberts' qualifications.
My preference for clear structures is the result of my desire - perhaps illusory - to keep track of things and maintain my grip on the world.
The first stone was just tried in the spirit of experimentation. The opening of the stone was far more interesting than the drawing that I had done on it.
The stones tear like flesh, rather than breaking. Although what happens is violent, it is a violence that is in stone. A tear is more unnerving than a break.
The hardened mass of liquid stones had much stronger qualities than those which had simply torn. The skin remained a recognisable part of the molten stone.
Stones are checked every so often to see if any have split or at worst exploded. An explosion can leave debris in the elements so the firing has to be abandoned.
Some of the snowballs have a kind of animal energy. Not just because of the materials inside them, but in the way that they appear caged, captured.