It's fundamental to succeed in coming into contact with your subject. Whether it's a big Hollywood star or a passer-by in the street, it makes no difference.
Chanel is everywhere. Pick up a magazine. You'll find Chanel all over it. That's the imprint that she had. I mean, she did so much.
I am neither accusing President Obama of having committed high crimes and misdemeanors nor advocating his impeachment.
It's one thing to earnestly try but fail to bring the two sides together. Though Democrats will deny it, that was the case with George W. Bush.
Obama hasn't been divisive just because his policies are so unpopular, though that's a large part of it.
It's not coincidence that the U.S. is in last place in the world in terms of corporate tax rate. It's because our system is set up to block tax reform.
I already know what things look like - I don't want description. People believe in appearances, and I don't believe in appearances at all.
Those who devote their lives to serving our country, children, and neighborhoods are giving back. They have answered the call to serve.
Concentrating wealth in the hands of the few and deregulating financial institutions and practices lead to speculative bubbles that eventually burst - and that brings the whole country down.
Thank you for the opportunity for the Democratic Party and progressives to reclaim the votes of the sane citizens of these United States.
I think blaming the president for high gas prices is like blaming Rudy Giuliani for 9/11.
Do we want in this nation to lose the backbone of manufacturing in this country? Do we want to be a nation that doesn't want to manufacture anything?
I certainly never thought I would run for office myself. If someone had suggested it, I would have laughed out loud.
I actually prepared Vice President Biden for his debate in the last election. I played Sarah Palin. It's a little tough debating a woman.
We are taking the steps necessary to be ready to send whatever assistance is requested of us, and we are preparing to receive citizens who seek refuge in our state.
I have two children of my own. Crying is not evidence of pain or any real suffering. It's really just the way children communicate.
As ecstatic as I was at the birth of my daughter, I felt selfish bringing her, and later my son, into our screwed-up world.
Nothing like that warm and fuzzy Soviet architecture ... Pretty much as close to the Klingon home world as you're gonna get.
Self-control, openness, the ability to engage with others, to plan and to persist - these are the attributes that get people in the door and on the job, and lead to productive lives.
Chicago is an exciting place which renews itself. The workshop system encourages close reading and frank discussions of papers and ideas.
The scientific study of labor economics provided the opportunity for me to unite theory with evidence my lifetime intellectual passion.