Peace be with you," I said, and as I turned to resume my journey with Coyote, I added under my breath, "and asskicking be with me.
Il tempo addolcisce i ricordi più amari, hanno detto in tanti. Io continuo ad essere convinto che non stessero ascoltando Sad eyed lady of the lowlands.
This is often the way we put together our lives, adding the striking qualities of others into our own character.
God is not looking for incredibly high notes, intricate riffs or award winning ad-libbing. God is looking at the heart.
I’m not sure how people drink out of skulls,” Jinx added. Calvin had too many holes in him to make a good cup.
There were fourteen steps exactly fourteen. But the top one was smaller, out of proportion, as if it had been added to avoid the evil number.
Find your own joy within and then greater joy will be added to you.
It was awful, he cried, awful, awful! Still, the sun was hot. Still, one got over things. Still, life had a way of adding day to day.
You will answer this day for your treason." Then he added solemnly, "You break my heart, brother." Before Eyramus could blink Thristan was gone.
Mal denen şeye kendi varlığımız ya da halkın varlığı gibi tuhaf bir ad koymuşuz. Üstelik varlığını kaybetmek insanlar arasında ayıp ve budalalık sayılmış.
Star, pillows don't attack dogs," Sam said. "Or anything else," Turtle added.
Se è tardi a trovarmi, insisti, se non ci sono in un posto, cerca in un altro, perché io son fermo da qualche parte ad aspettare te.
guido per le strade, ad un passo dal pianto, vergognandomi del mio sentimentalismo e del mio possibile amore.
Madame Magloire," retorted the Bishop, "you are mistaken. The beautiful is as useful as the useful." He added after a pause, "More so, perhaps.
He was fond of saying, "There is a bravery of the priest as well as the bravery of a colonel of dragoons,--only," he added, "ours must be tranquil.
Everyone wavers between the emotionally still-alive past ad the already dead future. Gilles Ivain (aka Ivan Chtcheglov)
To grow a melody?" "You can't grow a melody on purpose,” she said, and slyly added, “you have to plant an accidental.
To attract a lover, you need to craft the perfect Craigslist ad. Here’s mine: Free TV with purchase of potato chips and couch.
Stupidity mixed with arrogance mixed with anger mixed with adrenaline is a deadly combination. Just as deadly as adding fries and a soda and making it a combo meal.
I added five shots to my coffee, because that’s all the bullets my magazine can hold.
One recipe for happiness is to have to sense of entitlement.' To this she added a star and noted at the bottom of the page: 'This is not a lesson I have ever been in a position to learn.