Those who would abuse your trust for their own benefit can do it well, but only one time.
I am concerned about the growing problem of sexual abuse and exploitation of our children.
Not only is fur cruel, it's also totally gross. I mean, who wants to wear the skin of an abused animal? Not me!
The law protects you from being abused. It doesn't threaten your lifestyle for someone else to have the right to exhibit their lifestyle.
Cavendish Look-A-Like Actor: This is a violation of the ruddy Incarceration Act! I will not be subjugated to criminal abuse!
I believe - we all pay taxes. I'm happy to pay it, but I hate to have it abused, money wasted, no accountability. That's going to bother you.
When there is liberty, you expect a higher degree of freedom and not human rights abuse.
Widespread use of online voting will create the potential for abuse that will make the problems inherent in e-voting pale in comparison.
I wasn't out drinking and abusing my body. I simply loved to go out and dance.
ask yourself how many people you have met who grumbled at a thing as incurable, and how many who attacked it as curable? How many people we have heard abuse the British elementary schools, as they would abuse the British climate? How few have we met ...
Are boys encouraged to express sadness, fear, or anxiety? In general, our society gives boys permission for one emotion: anger. If a boy is hurt or upset, he may be comforted briefly, but then he is told to stop crying and "be a man." This message us...
It is acknowledged that father-daughter incest occurs on a large scale in the United States. Sexual abuse has now been included in child abuse legislation. A conservative estimate is that more than 1 million women have been sexually victimized by the...
Why Cults Terrorize and Kill Children – LLOYD DEMAUSE The Journal of Psychohistory 21 (4) 1994 "Extending these local figures to a national estimate would easily mean tens of thousands of cult victims per year reporting, plus undoubtedly more who d...
Some alters are what Dr Ross describes in Multiple Personality Disorder as 'fragments', which are 'relatively limited psychic states that express only one feeling, hold one memory or carry out a limited task in the person's life. A fragment might be ...
How do we find words for describing levels of betrayal and emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual torture that fragment and destroy a child or cast and case traumatic shadows over the whole of adult life? We might, as a society, slowly find it pos...
Evil is powerful, but good is more powerful. In fact, evil is so powerful that only good has the power to overcome evil. Darkness can be driven away only by light.
Knowlede is power and Absolute Knowledge is Absolute Power or the Power of Truth, which is constantly shaping events and circumstances to reveal the errors in our beliefs.
I have some good friends of my own who happen to be gay, and when it comes to gay, straight, or whatever, I'm for anything life-affirmative. I'm for gay power, straight power, male power, female power; everybody should feel empowered without oppressi...
I counted on sixty days only, but I held out for 133. I didn't go into power, but to get power I borrowed some power from the President and made him sign a number of decrees and give me enough power to create a system capable of handling crisis situa...
There is power and there is power, my dear. My power can be vast, in the right places.
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?