Love isn't suppose to hurt. If it does, then it is absolutely not a true love.
My upbringing was absolutely not the archetypal writer's upbringing. Even, arguably, the opposite.
I'm for absolute autonomy of the individual, and an adult, competent woman has absolute autonomy. It's her choice.
Juliet Hulme: Absolutely not! Orson Wells! Urgh! The most hideous man alive!
The absolute truth is one for an infinity of possible relative truths which lie.
To demand the absolute and to be content with absolutely nothing else results in a skepticism.
I've heard of nothing coming from nothing, but I've never heard of absolutely nothing coming from hard work.
It is reasonable to love the Absolute absolutely for the same reason it is reasonable to love the relative relatively.
There is absolutely no doubt about it, and I may not be the one that does it, but the cloned child is coming. There is absolutely no way that it will not happen.
What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and it's charming.
Katharine Clifton: Will we be alright? Almásy: Yes. Yes, absolutely. Katharine Clifton: "Yes" is a comfort. "Absolutely" is not.
He was looking for immensity. His life was hopelessly small, everything surrounding him was nondescript and gray. And death is absolute; it is indivisible and indissoluble. The presence of the girl was pathetic (a few caresses and a lot of meaningles...
A preoccupation with power - black power, student power, flower power, poor power, 'the power structure' - is the striking aspect of the American political scene at the moment. Oddly enough, obsession with power goes hand in hand with a fear of power...
I'm quite aware of my differences. I wouldn't classify them as weird
Whether gods exist or not, there is no way to get absolute certainty about ethics. Without absolute certainty, what do we do? We do the best we can.
I don't think that there is absolute freedom of the press. We operate under laws - against libel, for instance. The idea that there is some absolute press freedom is kind of a myth.
We want to assert the very principle that truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life.
Only when we realize that there is no eternal, unchanging truth or absolute truth can we arouse in ourselves a sense of intellectual responsibility.
In music, the punctuation is absolutely strict, the bars and rests are absolutely defined. But our punctuation cannot be quite strict, because we have to relate it to the audience. In other words we are continually changing the score.
Without the absolute truth, to know the truth value of our own existence is beyond our strengths/limits/possibilities.
Pop knew absolutely nothing about pro football.