People of balance age as gracefully as wines of balance.
my face for peace - no more war in my name
There is no cloud above my head - there is not even a mist.
There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it.
Kennedy cooked the soup that Johnson had to eat.
Only the stupidest calves choose their own butcher.
We have to find compromises. That's the way it is in Norway.
Hope turns the wheel of good fortune.
We're Americans - in times of crisis, we step up.
I was in the underground until I left Germany.
The American dream belongs to all of us.
Texans should not be taxed on our taxes.
Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live.
My only regret is the media's obsession with the past.
The civil service are risk averse.
I grew up in a house with very few books.
I have no interest in managing my financial affairs.
I have opened newspapers and read incredible lies.
Most people wouldn't want to marry a politician.
Small businesses are really the engine in the economy.
Identical twins do not possess identical souls.