I've been around doing a little of this and a little of that.
My brother is the former mayor of Baltimore.
I didn't know silence could be that loud.
It is the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong.
Music is my higher power
You know, the country is basically peaceful.
I'm a big fan of meat.
I don't eat green things, no vegetables.
Whatever insults my State insults me.
In my preaching the shafts are ever aimed at the brainwashed horde.
Species can be recognized by their morphological characteristics and songs.
For 2,500 years, India has never invaded anybody.
The height of human achievement and glory, Muhammad.
We do not want the Quebec nation to disappear.
What we have to do is reinvent the idea of Europe.
I have as much privacy as a goldfish in a bowl.
Guns aren't the problem; sick people are.
Power is the near neighbour of necessity.
Don't try. Just do it.
I have a horror of not rising above mediocrity.
I am an economist, not an astrologer.