Radio was theater of the mind.
Everything that Michael Fassbender touches is elevated.
I cleaned toilets and shined shoes.
I'm supposed to enforce the laws of the land.
Never say more than is necessary.
My musical career was an accident.
The intelligent are to the intelligentsia what a gentleman is to a gent.
One of my friends is Snake from Skid Row.
Kome Allah nije dosta, sve mu nedostaje.
Concussions are still kind of a mysterious thing.
Go by your own conscience.
The bottom line was that I was in an abusive relationship.
Pleasure can be supported by an illusion, but happiness rests upon truth.
I don't look back. I look forward.
What America needs is jobs. Lots of jobs.
Art appears when the artist disappears.
History is conjecture raised to the level of an art.
Truth is an outlaw in every country.
Everybody is smarter from outside of the court.
No, I'm not religious. At all. I'm an atheist.
On dit premier gaou n’est pas gaou, c’est deuxième gaou...