I'm going to disappear again.
Even Azathoth is bored of this tune.
Don't castrate, But educate, At least to masturbate!
Anarchists have taken over (the GOP).
Death is empowered when saints joy in faithlessness and prayerlessness
it is the wish that makes u cry
I'm not exactly the endorsement people are seeking.
The woman that deliberates is lost.
Governments are not always right.
Balance hangs in the fingers of Peace
People are afraid of everything.
I want to be Robin to Bush's Batman.
I've stopped dreaming to believing in God
Where there are many counsellors there is safety.
There is a price to pay for accomplishment.
We're all going to die.
I'm a hard headed lawyer.
The past cannot be cured.
'Concierge' comes from the Latin for 'slave.'
I'm antisocial - there's no question about it.
To disagree, one doesn't have to be disagreeable.