The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.
Freedom from militarism will give the German people the opportunity, if they will but seize it, to apply their great energies and abilities to the works of peace.
Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers.
Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.
I believe in entrepreneurs. I believe in their ability to make positive change in the world.
Well, I have also believed in empowering the individual and believe there is a degree of inertia in big government that hampers the ability to respond to a rapidly evolving crisis.
Our ability to make a decision about the declaration is hampered by the British government being reluctant to give us the clarification which we require.
Parents have the ability to screen their children's Internet access at home.
The hope for our nation and our world lies within our ability to innovate and move forward technologically.
Jeffrey Zeldman had an astonishing ability to craft a seductive coolness using educated references, dry humor, and retro/organic imagery.
Entrepreneurs have a great ability to create change, be flexible, build companies and cultivate the kind of work environment in which they want to work.
I think to have the skill set and the ability to physically help others in matters of life and death must be incredibly empowering.
An extended school day gives administrators the ability to ensure children get a well-rounded education.
Kids can have great passion and great ability but if you have the facilities for your particular sport that can give you the inspiration to become a sportsman.
My mother was a woman who was very frustrated. She had a great deal of ability, and all this energy went into me and my brother.
If you have great talents, industry will improve them: if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.
It takes nearly as much ability to know how to profit by good advice as to know how to act for one's self.
I turned down as many roles that I thought were beyond my abilities as I did ones I thought weren't good enough.
Every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more, and none can tell whose sphere is the largest.
Hoods are good parts because they're always flashy and attract attention. If you've got any ability, you can use that as a stepping stone.