You can’t expect to be who God wanted you to be if you don’t improve on upon your talents, abilities, and actions to the peak of the potentials you carry.
So you can speak, can you? Well, that’s going to stand you out from the rest of the crowd, isn’t it? No. Sorry, my boy. The ability to speak does not a salesman make
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing - the ability to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances.
The ability of one to affect many is scaling exponentially — and it's scaling for good and it's scaling for evil.
A company should limit its growth based on its ability to attract enough of the right people.
Gold was not sure of many things, but he was definite about one: for every successful person he knew, he could name at least two others of greater ability, better, and higher intelligence who, by comparison, had failed.
The presence of pain should not be the reason for your low self-image. Boldness is the ability to stand tall even when the valley seems deep. Your pain will bring gain. Just believe and go to work!
Wisdom is the ability to make wise decisions and pursue them. The bible said "wisdom is the principal thing". This means it's the number one thing ever that you cannot bypass and expect to succeed!
Your true love for God is demonstrated through your ability to hold onto your faithfulness in the midst of Prosperity and Poverty, Happiness and Hardships, Sickness and Success; in whatever is Appealing or Appalling!
Who else but a lover retains the ability to wound the other person with such passion, such precision? And who else but that lover has the capacity to heal what he or she has done?
The ability to tell a good route from a terrible one is a valuable skill when leading an expedition. Unfortunately for us all, it was a skill I did not possess.
In trying to commit my life to finding and participating in some of the purposes of Christ, as I can determine them, my energies and abilities are gradually being focused and are working together.
❤Everyone has problems which are usually results of their environment. The key to greatness is to have the ability to rise above all of it and contributing one's energy to help better our world✌
The genuine realist, if he is an unbeliever, will always find strength and ability to disbelieve in the miraculous, and if he is confronted with a miracle as an irrefutable fact he would rather disbelieve his own senses than admit the miraculous also...
Our exclusive dependence on rational thought and language has obscured our natural ability to sense the flow of energy.
When you increase in learning and education, you increase your ability to act, and you have a chance to improve your circumstances.
Your ability to shape your destiny is directly proportional to your belief that it is a matter of will and determination--however much or little that belief may be.
For great many species today, “fitness” means the ability to get along in a world in which humankind has become the most powerful evolutionary force.
There are a lot of downsides to being male. We age faster and die younger. But give us this: we're lifetime baby-making machines. Women's reproductive abilities start to wane when they're as young as 35. Men? We're good to go pretty much till we're d...
I know that books I have written will still resonate in 50 years - particularly 'My Sister's Keeper.' It has sold three million copies in the States alone. I strongly feel that, as a novelist, you have a platform and the ability to change people's mi...
Worry is a sin because we are taking our eyes off of Christ and His ability to handle a situation. And when we do this, we are no longer able to live a life of faith.