Courage is not only a form of inspiration, but an effective weapon to achieve anything you desire on this earth.
To overcome in the physical, you must first conquer in the spirit.
Personal growth does not require a pre-qualification from anyone; pre-qualify yourself towards your potential; your mind and faith will start propelling your focus in that direction.
Money is just a form of trade to buy your wants, but it cannot be there for your needs in as much as the loving people around you.
Exotic dancers, your instant key to a blissful vacation of the moment.
A well dressed woman usually is covered by a unique umbrella called elegance, which many can't seem to find.
Exquisite beauty is a powereful magnetic force that commands, it does not seek attention it rules the law of attention.
A fashionable up-keep speaks many languages you can't express in words, that's the beauty of multi-dimensional fashion.
There is a difference between putting on clothes and dressing well.
To ask for things of quality without setting a standard of quality is to invite many disappointments.
A great suit looks well with a good pair of shoes, you cannot seperate the two.
To dress fashionably is to win the eyes of many.
There is difference between putting on clothes and dressing well.
An achievement award is not the end goal; but rather a symbolic confirmation of your potential future success.
Leadership is preceeded by a vision for all; a true leader will lead the nation into an unforseen desired dimensional transformation that even the dead will clap their hands.
Trust is the fundamental key that upholds the honor of great leadership, without it leadership becomes a status quo of great dis-service to the change your followers desire.
Diamonds and pearls are earth's treasures, love is the greatest treasure of life in the physical and life in Spirit.
That which is physical wears out and returns to mother nature; but the soul we sacrifice in the process of taking from mother nature we cannot get back.
A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good dental care.
You are only as rich as your will power.
Do not break your silence to create war between people, but speak the truth that heals.