Quotes by Wassily Kandinsky

About Wassily Kandinsky:

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky is credited with painting one of the first purely abstract works. Born in Moscow, Kandinsky spent his childhood in Odessa, where he graduated at Grekov Odessa Art school. He enrolled at the University of Moscow, studying law and economics. Successful in his profession—he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat—Kandinsky began painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.

Author Bio

  • NameWassily Kandinsky
  • DescriptionRussian painter
  • AliasesKandinsky; Vassily Kandinsky; Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky; Vasily Kandinsky
  • BornDecember 16, 1866
  • DiedDecember 13, 1944
  • CountryFrance; Russian Empire; Germany
  • ProfessionPainter; Artist
  • WorksThe Lyrical; Church At Murnau; Composition VII