If I could somehow know the future, then now should not be like this time.
Not because we think that it's still about to happen, thus makes our future life as though yet to be exist. Human mind can't yet perceive the nature of future.
I aspired to be the better me of my future.
Future warns us through current symptoms in nature.
You're about to enter the future gate. Come in now, or later will be too late.
General..behold the future of weaponry." "What the hell I am seeing here, Colonel?" "It's..technologart of ancient weaponry, Sir!" "It's..what?
In the future, eyeglasses see all directions simultaneously. To be able to use hemiscope, eyes and brain need to practice.
The only way for you to know that you can really make a change is by knowing the future.
Genius thinks out of box when leader adjusts the size of box.
Some men are so willing to know their future, but unwilling to face the fear of their own death.
At the beginning was The Word. Today I see That in great quotes.
When you saw a wounded who cry out for help, you may be the one sent by God to bring a favor.
Men didn't have any idea about regret before God felt so once after created us.
As Moses threw whatever in his hand on the ground, so does hand should do what it can to earn miracles.
Good soul easily sleeps well.
A tyrant has uncommon moral compass.
Government can only reign over a classes-divided society.
In any government, interests precede truth.
Greed is a little bit more than enough.
Health, wealth, happiness, live long and always prosper, have families and also friends, let them be lasting in me forever.
When you've succeeded, you'd say: 'Indeed I'd to go through those hell before fit into all of this happiness.