Everybody feel pain except a woman who kicks a man in the balls.
I don't pretend to love someone who hurts me. I do something that prevent us hurting each other.
True education reveals self-potential, more than just sows ideas.
Idea is a software for the army and nation.
What are you doing in a fast lane, snail?
No emphaty when you had blinders on.
Ignorance is a knowledge illiteracy.
Whoever thirst for money is real victim of a capital illusion.
When your heart truly adores somebody, your mind perceives a halo on that man's head.
Priceless is economic illusion. Costless is an economical trick.
If-Then" is a structured logic of humans' thought, who have memories and imagination in their mind. If both don't exist, Then this quote has never even been written.
Jangan sok netral !! Tiada yang sehebat itu.
We speak of love when we destroy nature. It sounds like innocence of cruel arrogance.
Soul of a victim tends to prove her innocence.
Nobody's sane above the law.
Who the hell do you think you're, Kiddo? I don't do thinking, Sir. I simply improvise.
Intelligence minus purpose equals stupidity.
Intelligence could be more briliant within modesty.
Intuition feels the imperceptible things that unknown to mind.
Sometimes.. I didn't know what I sought until I've found it.
Today wouldn't have happened if histories weren't falsified.