Quote by: Thomas Henry Huxley

Wherever sufficiently numerous series of the remains of any given group, which has endured for a long space of time, are carefully examined, their morphological relations are never in discordance with the requirements of the doctrine of evolution, and often afford convincing evidence of it. At the same time, it has been shown that certain forms persist with very little change, from the oldest to the newest fossiliferous formations; and thus show that progressive development is a contingent, and not a necessary result, of the nature of living matter.

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Author Bio

  • NameThomas Henry Huxley
  • DescriptionEnglish biologist and comparative anatomist
  • BornMay 4, 1825
  • DiedJune 29, 1895
  • CountryUnited Kingdom
  • ProfessionBiologist; Linguist; Paleontologist; Translator
  • AwardsFellow Of The Royal Society; Copley Medal; Royal Medal