I write these pieces, not to convince you of anything, nor to argue points for the purpose of proposing a new standard or a new philosophy – and certainly not to create yet another religious movement. Rather, my purpose is simple: to communicate a ...
Clear Awareness is not a magical state to be attained by secret rituals, chants, pleading to some external source or emergence into astral planes, nor a status bestowed by a certified master. Nor is it a capability of yours that needs to be developed...
If you find that you “disagree” with something I’ve written, then you missed the point!!
The New Age is not one of bells and whistles and mystical special effects. It is not a fantasy state driven by the alignments of planets or the power of crystals, nor a metaphysical rising to higher plains of consciousness by virtue of chanting esote...
The concept of a Miracle, that is, an event that takes place somehow beyond the scope of functional Reality, is absurd. . . There cannot be a true miracle. There can only be events that appear miraculous when you don’t really understand How Life Wo...
There exists only a mechanism by which meaning flows from intangible mind element into real event – and when you see that, all the postulated structures and cosmologies, built only of concepts, dissipate like yesterday’s weather.
So, am I some sort of Savior? Not hardly. Save yourself the worry about needing to be saved from anything.
As it is, the vital question you should be asking is not what I am, but what you yourself are.
The real Journey is a personal venture into your own mind content. Nobody, not the greatest mystic, the most vaunted guru, the most hailed psychologist, though they might shuttle you along the trail for a ways, will get you there. Only you yourself c...
If you’ve come to see that the image you absorbed while growing up is not valid, and you launch out on a prefabricated Journey, you are most likely to simply replace it with another, fancier paradigm – the mind is that easily fooled by its own ba...
The only creative force capable of causally revising your experienced reality is your power to change your Self.
Because your life is a reflection of your inner Self, causality comes exclusively in changing your own nature, not trying to change the external world out there by manipulating it.
There is no “other self” to the unconscious, no independent entity with its own agenda; it is only information and stored value relationships – a broad array of raw information that undergirds the more superficial “knowledge” learned throug...
When, and only when, you clearly see the inner roots to an outer condition, can you change them and thus it.
The key realization to delving inwards to deal with the roots of outer symptoms is this: once you have clearly identified the core, inner roots to a problem, you then have authority over the situation. . . If, though, you never delve within. . . you ...
There is no other force, no other determining factor, no external cause to the cohesive unfolding of your life’s episodes – only your composite inner nature. Change that and you change your life.
Since the effects of your life that lead to pain and annoyance are always consequences of inner elements, what you commonly regard as “problems” are more accurately seen as outer symptoms of inner, causal problems. The practical approach is to be...
If you picture other people as superior to yourself, you will realize that mental image. Putting a preacher, a saint, a prophet, an expert or anybody up on a pedestal in your personal view, fundamentally accomplishes nothing but the effect of putting...
One vital aspect in the Path toward Clear Awareness is the beginning of differentiation between belief-induced appearance and Reality. In many ways I can illustrate illusions and point out artificial concepts that are commonly accepted as real, but t...
So how do you teach your kids Awareness – to trust in themselves, to love without judging, to expect health without having to manipulate their bodies with drugs, to expect and accept abundance, not eternal struggle? Simply put: you can’t – unle...
. . . And the consequence to that is, you can never attain a Clear Awareness of life’s flow by absorbing and following Old Teachings, however revered by our culture, however vaunted by institutions and fancy buildings, however nice they sound, beca...