One who seeks to control others is one who suffers from the affliction of fear.
Upon examination of a people’s history, beware the story teller’s motives.
Streams of conscious ‘knowing’ flows like the Nile when one is open from within.
Today is not just another ordinary day. It is an opportunity to do, or say, something that just might inspire someone to greater becoming...especially a wayward youth.
It's all talk til it's all real walk.
Nothing we do makes us real. That which is real makes us do.
In silence you shall face self...and have respect.
Word Powers: A beautiful bitch has four legs, not two. Even terms of, so called, endearment have unintended manifestations. Guard your grill.
If I must choose, I'd rather be tuned in than 'turnt up'.
The seer does not see, by choice, what the blind can see by default... from within.
On stuck status? Don't crush the groove, bust a move.
External beauty is certainly cool to admire, but when worshipped - it eclipses internal shine.
It takes time, patience, productivity and persistence to 'pop the oil'; just keep digging. Worthy investments take time to show positive returns.