About Taylor Marsh:
Taylor Marsh is an author, political analyst, writer and strategist, as well as founder and publisher of the new media blog TaylorMarsh.com. Marsh lives in the Washington, D.C. area with her husband. Marsh is best known for being a "die hard Clintonite," as the Washington Post described her in a 2008 profile, "For Clinton, A Following Of 'Marshans'." However, Marsh started out skeptical of Hillary Clinton, as the National Journal's Hotline OnCall revealed early in 2007. "TaylorMarsh.com" became a central hub for Hillary supporters during the 2008 primary election cycle. It's part of the reason why The New Republic profile of her in 2008, "The Hugh Hefner of Politics," chronicled Marsh's professional career. She's a contributor to The Huffington Post, as well as other new media sites, reporting from the 2008 Democratic Convention for Pajamas Media, covering SEIU events, and the AFSCME Democratic debate during 2007, and has written for many other new media sites.