When you give all your power to the powers that be, you take away the powers of thee.
For my own piece of mind, I will forget those who have screwed me over this past year and here recently, but "Aunt Karma" won't forget you. Good luck with her, I heard she's a bitch!!!
Being big enough to know when you are small, makes you gigantic. Lack of humility is not necessarily the down fall of great relationships, it is the slippery slide ego and pride take you down that block communication, cause mis-communication and diss...
I am not a typical human being. I am me and don't try to be anything but that because God didn't give us all different fingerprints if he wanted us all to be the same. lol -- TAMMY WOOSTER
Genocide of the soul occurs when everyone else expects conformity based on false beliefs, that we should all think the same, act the same and aspire to be the same.---Tammy Wooster
It is not your fault you believe what your parents tell you. It is theirs for telling you unbelievable things. -- ME