Be the type of friend you would like to have.
If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly.
Friendship is a beautiful blessing. You may love your friends and they may love you, but that doesn’t mean they should have unexamined influence in all areas of your life.
By surrounding yourself with people who are positive, caring, intelligent, loving, and open-minded, you create a personal environment that is conducive to your emotional and personal growth. By surrounding yourself with the opposite, you create a per...
Endless love is fueled by endless friendship. If you want to have the greatest romance ever, have the greatest friendship ever. Cultivate it; do not let your friendship die. Remember, it’s not a lack of love that destroys relationships; it’s usua...
Although initially only few in numbers, it seems my gray hairs have launched an effective peer-pressure campaign intended to convert the others.
My love for you spans over the lines of my past, present, and future. You are what I love remembering, what I love experiencing, and what I love looking forward to.
Like a gift, beautifully wrapped at the foot of your bed each morning, today asks that you open it and enjoy everything inside. Exhaust yourself with all it has to offer!
There is a difference between talented people and gifted people.Talented people are good AT something; Gifted people ARE that something.
Service and gratitude will fuel your relationship; entitlement and expectation will poison it.
Don't wait for other people to be loving, giving, compassionate, grateful, forgiving, generous, or friendly... lead the way!
Today you will have countless opportunities to take action towards any dream or goal you've ever had. No matter how long you’ve waited, it’s never too late. Let today be the day you give life to your dreams and goals. Don't throw away another day...
No more excuses or procrastination! Stop allowing your days to be stolen by busy nothingness and take calculated steps towards your goals.
Resolutions are most often empty promises for those who have an abundance of dreams, but refuse to wake up and live them.
New levels bring new devils. Stay unapologetically committed to your goals and let go of anyone who poisons your spirit.
Don’t let the agony, regret, or fog of yesterday blind you to the fact that each new day carries with it a plethora of opportunities to move your life into the right direction.
Don't throw away another day! No more procrastinating! Only YOU can make it happen. So, UN-ASS the couch and make it happen!
Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow.
I find that I am most happy and healthy when I am living in alignment with my goals, dreams, and principles.
No matter what the cause, God is only as willing as you are.
God is the name we give to the science we don't understand. Science is the name we give to the God we don't understand.