Knowing that the brain is predisposed to religion and spirituality, then might it be that God is a creation of the brain?
Show respect to all. If you accept that all is undifferentiated oneness, and that all things are merely different aspects of that one thing (but vibrating at different frequencies), then you must respect yourself and everything and everyone around yo...
Be open to the realization that who you were before and who you are now are two different people, and that what may have made you happy then, may not be the same thing that will make you happy now.
The universe is infinite, so there is room for everyone, for every belief, for every custom, and for every desire. You are in competition with no one but yourself.
You must wake up to the truth that whoever you are, that whatever you have or think you do not have, you are perfect in the here and now. Unless you can accept yourself, you will never be satisfied with anything, because it all begins with yourself.
Regardless of whether luck or coincidence is involved, desires directed in the right way have a tendency to manifest.
Thought is power, as is desire, but neither is enough unless it is backed by faith, specificity, and the desire to see to it that it becomes.
When you begin to actively participate in the creation of your life, there is never an end, even in death, for physics tells us that nothing is ever created nor destroyed, merely transformed.
Manifesting your desires requires an understanding of the universe’s abundance and inherently giving nature. If you ask from a position of fear or desperation, you are sending out your fear and desperation, and the universe, giving, reflecting, and...
Cosmic Ordering is neither a religion nor an elaborate program. You have everything within you to succeed: right attitude and right intentions.
Some find that they are content with little, while others find that they want much, much more. Still others create and manifest many things, only to later discover that it was the creation which brought them greater joy and satisfaction, more so than...
Everything we could possibly want or need is there for the taking, but we are blinded by fears of lack and limitation, and we have bought the lie that resources are limited, so we must therefore compete for the few that are left.
If you have ever prayed for something and received what you wanted, you engaged in Cosmic Ordering.
Openness is also an acceptance that just as you have the inherent right to create your life as you see fit, so others have the same right with their own lives, even if their design differs from yours greatly.
Only through a steady mind and constant faith can your desires manifest.
Stop being a mystery, discover yourself!
Write down what you want your destiny to be, and in so doing you will live your dreams.
When on an emotional roller-coaster, take the leap of faith ...
When you're scared, you stay as you are!
Learn to forgive others so that you can release yourself from being held captive by the very negative thoughts around you.
When we make friends then we change from being animals to being human.