Lessen the odds are stacked against you, Use Cosmic Ordering.
On the road to success some will always expect tragedy ... ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.
A man may fail many times, and then he turns to Cosmic Ordering.
If your only goal is to become rich then use Cosmic Ordering.
Don’t wait for success, use Cosmic Ordering.
Believe and achieve with Cosmic Ordering.
The fastest way to double your money is to use Cosmic Ordering.
When your back is to the wall and you are facing fear head on, the only way is forward and through it.
When you explore your fears then you set yourself free.
When you have mastered fear then you have mastered all.
When you have fear then the world is a big place. When you have courage then the world shrinks.
When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything.
To dream by night is to escape your life. To dream by day is to make it happen.
The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.
When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.
Happy people produce. Bored people consume.
Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.
Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.
No matter how small you start, always dream big.
Judgment is a negative frequency.
Before you can successfully make friends with others, first you have to become your own friend.