I check every can of Barbasol I buy for dinosaur embryos. I haven't found any yet, as evidenced by the lack of T-Rex screams in my apartment.
Create lightning bolt ideas during brainstorms by causing disturbances in your atmosphere.
Imagine our imaginations were limited only to the limitless. Still, it wouldn't matter without a motivation to move.
Procrastinators are pros at neglecting now and languishing later.
Those with calling also find wealth, so jump and start swimming towards your true self.
Life is like a game of limbo in reverse. The bar keeps rising higher and we need to keep rising to the occasion.
Leadership calculus: always choose to rise over run.
Self leadership requires us to lead and motivate ourselves. But it looks a heck of a lot like schizophrenia during a ropes course.
If all it takes to motivate you is a quote then this quote has nothing to say – except to go soar with the freakin’ eagles.
Run after today, lest you run out of tomorrows.
Every day is full of opportunities, but an opportunity is full of only so many days.
Those without passion are often passed and shunned.
You don’t have to submerge. Just take a D.I.P. in Daily Incremental Progress.
Success in life is about project management. Determine deliverables, make milestones, and always pursue the critical path.
Entrepreneurs often underestimate costs and overestimate rewards. But the fact that they estimate & still take action sets them apart from peers.
There’s been a lot written on the topic of minimalism. But I still believe in it.
I’m creating a self help show called Self Talk. I’ll insult myself for an hour then open phone lines to a fitness coach & my mother-in-law.