Even with all the Lace, you can't be an Ace without God's grace-RVM
Life is like a river—it keeps flowing, flowing, and flowing till it merges into the sea. Nothing can stop the flow of Life, but you can enjoy the Journey.
Life is like a river—it keeps flowing, flowing, and flowing till it merges into the sea. Nothing can stop the flow of Life, but you can enjoy the Journey-RVM
The Wind that Blows, the Water that Flows, the Sun that Glows, are all proof that a Power exists. Believe and Experience the Universal Power-RVM
Life has taught me that money is important, but it's not everything. For, if I have all the money in the world, but no time to enjoy, of what use is it? - RVM
The Power of Intuition is not Magic, but pure Logic for those who let it burst from their Inspiration! -RVM
Look at yourself—Are your eyes Twinkling? Is your heart Dancing? Are your lips Smiling? If yes, then you are truly enjoying Life.-RVM
Don't try to live forever - You can't! But you can do things that will live forever.-RVM
Be thankful that you are on your feet. There are people who can't even walk down the street.-RVM
As you prepare to Celebrate Christmas, remind yourself that Life itself is a Celebration. Make each day a Celebration!-RVM
Christmas does not remind us that God was born over 2000 years ago. It is a time to remember that God was born in our Heart and Lives in our Heart, everyday!-RVM
Confused by the mind and diffused by the senses, we seek Pleasure and lose the great Treasure called Life.-RVM
The opportunity to truly Live doesn't wait. Either you USE it or you LOSE it.-RVM
To live with Faith, eliminate Fear. Only one can exist in our Life at any point of time.-RVM
The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Birds, the Animals, the Flowers, are all proof that a Universal Power exists.-RVM
While a rich man cannot have more than 1440 minutes a day, a clever man makes more time by using OPM or Other Peoples Minutes.-RVM
Introspect! Is your life moving forward or just moving like a pendulum?-RVM
People are like pistachios. Some of them open up easily, but there are others who need to be really broken to get into.-RVM
Days are like trains, they will just zoom by. You can be zapped seeing them pass or you can jump on to one of them and enjoy the Journey.-RVM
Whenever negativity makes us drip, Inspiration creates a flip from Negative to Positive.-RVM
Never worry about the Past, it brings Tears. Don’t think too much about the Future, it brings Fears. Live in the Present Moment with a Smile, it brings Cheers!-RVM