God gave us the Trees, the Breeze and the Seas. Let’s not forget to pay our fees!-RVM
Success doesn’t come from motivation. It comes from Inspiration.-RVM
Allow yourself the Freedom to Fail before you see Success Sail!-RVM
When the inner Spirit has Liberation, Inspiration is born!-RVM
Why call yourself a King when you don't have the Freedom to do anything!-RVM
Birds Fly in the Sky, because they were never taught to Cry!-RVM
There is always something Right in something that is Wrong and something Wrong in something that is Right.-RVM
You can Live in your Cave or Dance to your Grave.-RVM
LOVE is meant to make you Happy, not sad. What's the use of Love, if it makes you mad!-RVM
Birds Fly in the Sky, because they don't know how to Cry! They know just one thing, to Sing!-RVM
Those who are not Free, can't even climb a Tree .... Forget about them being what they want to Be!-RVM
If you let anyone tie your Wings with Strings, you can never Fly in the Sky...Your Independence, Your Freedom is Your Biggest Gift.-RVM
People who want More must first have the Courage to Walk out of the Door.-RVM
We permit Limitations to Limit us, instead of Limiting our Limitations.-RVM
You must be willing to play with Failure before you reach Success.-RVM
Birds fly in the sky without the fear of fall. We too must have the COURAGE to take Risks and grow tall.-RVM
Some people make themselves miserable and everybody else miserable when they can rather make themselves happy and everybody else happy?-RVM
Anybody can wine and dine, but it takes courage to truly Shine.-RVM
Since there is no way to Live after you die, why not Live Now!-RVM
The Key to Happiness is to be FREE to BE what you want to BE!-RVM
Life is won when you learn to run in the Sun and have Fun before Life is done.-RVM