Quotes by Ronald Fisher

About Ronald Fisher:

Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher was an English statistician, evolutionary biologist, mathematician, geneticist, and eugenicist. He began working at Rothamsted Research in 1919, where he developed the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyse its immense data from crop experiments since the 1840s, and established his reputation there in the following years as a biostatistician.

Author Bio

  • NameRonald Fisher
  • DescriptionEnglish statistician, evolutionary biologist, geneticist, and eugenicist
  • AliasesRonald Aylmer Fisher; R. A. Fisher
  • BornFebruary 17, 1890
  • DiedJuly 29, 1962
  • CountryUnited Kingdom
  • ProfessionMathematician; Geneticist; Statistician
  • AwardsFellow Of The Royal Society; Copley Medal; Royal Medal; Guy Medal