Their lives revolved around evil acts; some within their control, and some not. Some of them weren’t born with the capacity for kindness, and others found it better to spare no compassion for anyone in this cruel world because they felt none would ...
I’m an immortal. But I don’t want to be one anymore. Or rather, I don’t want to be an immortal stuck in a mortal world anymore. There is something greater out there for me, but in order to get it I need someone to put an end to my life in this ...
We all reach a point that is the limit of our understanding. When we stare over the precipice of uncertainty and into the dark unknown that we cannot explain with hard evidence, that is when we trade understanding for belief. At best, we make an educ...
Creating something is only half the battle. The other half is finding people who care about it.
All good writing is persuasive writing; persuading the reader to buy what you're selling, to side with you, to believe the tales you tell.