Quote by: Peter Hedges

I devised a test. I turned off the TV and instantly the snoring stopped. She began to move. When I felt her eyes about to open, I turned the TV back on and back to sleep she went. Then I'd turn it off and on - sometimes for millisecond - and she never failed me. Each time it was off, she's move and mutter - each time it was on, she'd sleep. By the time the headlights from Amy's Nova turned into our driveway, my suspicion had been confirmed. My mother has a more intimate, connected relationship with this television than she has ever had with me.

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Author Bio

  • NamePeter Hedges
  • DescriptionAmerican novelist, screenwriter, film director
  • BornJuly 6, 1962
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionScreenwriter; Film Director; Author; Novelist