About Peter Diamandis:
Peter H. Diamandis is a Greek-American engineer, physician, and entrepreneur best known for being the founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation, the co-founder and executive chairman of Singularity University and the co-author of the New York Times bestsellers Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think and BOLD: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World. He is also the former CEO and co-founder of the Zero Gravity Corporation, the co-founder and vice chairman of Space Adventures Ltd., the founder and chairman of the Rocket Racing League, the co-founder of the International Space University, the co-founder of Planetary Resources, founder of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, and vice-chairman & co-founder of Human Longevity, Inc.
Because it's cheaper and easier to fly than ever before, air travel is becoming democratized.
Peter DiamandisPrivate industry's job is to make money. Private industry's job is to create a huge economic engine.
Peter DiamandisAs humans, we have evolved to compete... it is in our genes, and we love to watch a competition.
Peter Diamandis