About Patricia Briggs: Patricia Briggs is an American writer of fantasy since 1993, well known for the Mercy Thompson urban fantasy series.
People always wanted someone to blame, didn't they?
Who wants to feel everything everyone else feels all the time?
Humans were peculiar. They were by turns squeamish and appallingly violent.
You're so far off base this time you can't even see the base!
Religion turned some folks belligerent.
This place looks like the last scene in Hamlet.
Um. Charles thinks that his wolf has chosen me as his mate." "In less than one full day?" It did sound dumb when he said it that way. "Yes." she couldn't keep the uncertainty of her her voice, though, and it bothered Charles. He rolled to his feet an...
How to put this feeling, this certainty, into something as limited as words?
The only certainty life contains is death.
Fear makes idiots out of us all, at some time or other.
When life doesn't meet your expectations, it was important to take it with grace.
A man learns with age, if he is lucky.
Don't make light of any man's pain.
Over a lifetime of dealing with difficult women, I have learned it is often better to give into their demands immediately.
Love thy enemies, it says in the scriptures. My foster mother always added, "At the very least, you will be polite to them.
My mother once told me that you had to trust that the first thing out of a person's mouth was the truth. After they have a chance to think about it, they'll change what they say to be more socially acceptable, something they think you'll be happier w...
I don't like lies," said Bran, and I knew I'd failed to keep the pain of his revelation from my face. "Not even lies of omission. Hard truths can be dealt with, triumphed over, but lies will destroy your soul.
Reluctantly, I pulled out my necklace and showed it to them. Samuel frowned. The little figure was stylized; I suppose he couldn't tell what it was at first. "A dog?" asked Zee, staring at my necklace. "A lamb," I said defensively, tucking it safely ...
Mine," he said. Adam's eyes narrowed. "I don't think so. She is mine." It would of been flattering, I thought, except that at least one of them was talking about dinner and I wasn't certain about the other.
During my last year of college I wrote the same ten pages over and over again. Those ten pages became the first few pages of my first novel. I can still recite the opening paragraph from memory - only now I cringe when I do it because they are - surp...
For the traditional fantasies, a lot more of my research comes from reading rather than doing. I like my worlds to feel real, so I do a lot of world building research.