About Neal Stephenson: Neal Town Stephenson is an award-winning American writer and game designer known for his works of speculative fiction.
How does a poor country defeat rich ones?” “Indeed, the answer is not by acquiring wealth in the sense that France has it.” “Meaning vineyards, farms, peasants, cows?” “But rather to play a sort of trick and redefine wealth to mean someth...
And yet all the gold is in England, it is dug up from Portuguese and Spanish mines, but it flows by some occult power of attraction to the Tower of London.” “Flows,” Caroline repeated. “Flows, like a current.” Sophie nodded. “And the Engl...
That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking, what's your vice and what brand of trouble does it lead to?
...crossed the room to where a selection of implements was arranged on a table top. These could have been mistaken for the trade tools of a cook, physician, or torturer, save for the fact that the surface on which they rested was a slab of polished p...
Persons of quality had devoted yester evening and much of the night to liquidating their holdings in the South Sea Company and gathering in clubs and coffeehouses to misinform one another.
How slow can a mammal be and still have respiratory functions?
Jack had wondered how geometers could be so inventive as to produce so many types and families of curves. Later he had come to perceive that of curves there was no end, and the true miracle was that poets, or writers, or whoever it was that was in ch...
I’d rather stub out cigarettes on my tongue than go shopping.
These women stared out from the canvases with arched brows, enormous eyes and tiny mouths, seeing much, and saying little.