Vices and inherent weaknesses in the philosophy, culture and art. If philosophy, art and culture destroyed a violence and debauchery. And replaced it with naivety, touching and romantic. Then people would have realized that they thought wrong, they i...
There are two types of people: street and home. Outdoor grow mostly on the street - are alcoholics, drug addicts, womanizer, players in the casino, criminals and so on. E., Almost all of them bad end, and with them it is better not to get involved, b...
Do not upset the balance between the idea and quality. As the quality - it's a beautiful density, the pleasure of a misunderstanding, as the idea sinks in quality, and people can not understand your creative work. While the noble idea - it is the tru...
Every drunk his own madness.
Optimism - it's a fake smile.
Put this huge glow in the dark mask-smile of pessimism, with long teeth and big mouth, on the floor face, she srastetsya with your skin, it will flash whenever you are going to talk, she gave you amazing power, and you begin to understand, the extent...
Look at this building, it is in our common world in which there is no violence. This is a huge skyscraper, which, on its part-functional spacecraft, where you can go wherever you go, it is like an anthill, he is in the form of man, handsome, strong m...
Look at this map of the world. Yes, it's pure transparent glass, this is a perfect, seamless world of absolute unity, and now see how stupid it hit the hammer of fascism, this hammer symbol of Nazism and racism. The world was divided into continents ...