Don’t trust in anything that has life, else you’ll lose your life and dive into a bee hive, and get stung..
To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.
When people complain of your complexity, they fail to remember that they made fun of your simplicity.
Only a fool would be patient enough to stay in a totalitarian love affair, and only the insincere will use anarchy to commit the sin of unfaithfulness.
People who say you are ugly, may be true, because to them, you look like a monster. People who say you are beautiful, may also be true, because to them, you look like an angel.
The only river i would like to be drown is the river filled with the blood of Jesus.
If pride really went before a fall, then, Lucifer is the inventor of pride.
You can't compare any book on earth to that which God has created. It has visionless humans as flat characters and those with vision as round characters. It has lucifer as the antagonist and himself as the protagonist. The setting is designed with li...
The worst grudge is being told that you are forgiven, yet your sins are still glowing in their hearts like a burning coal.
If your success is not amazing to your critics, it disturbs, infuriates, and frustrates them, and if they're not careful; may go hang themselves and go to hell.
A person's true character lies somewhere until after you might have pressed the wrong button without knowing, then you'll realize that there are dogs in human form.
There is no need returning anger to those who made your past horrible, do not think of making them feel bitter, maybe a help from you can just make them ashame and miserable, and can probably change their attitude.
When an illiterate gets angry, you'll get to understand that calmness is probably a sign of education.
Those who pretend as if they don't love you, are the ones who would hate to see you love another person.
Good leaders come together to solve problems in order to make a peaceful coexistence, but just a single soul can become the leathery meat in the soup.
I won't fight you, it looks puerile to me, but i can ignore and forget you till you wonder if you still exist.
True love is jealousy in disguise: A man cannot restrict his lover from going to the club because he hates her, he actually hates the men who would come around and touch her.
A little inhumanity does not describe you as heartless, rather, it is a way of telling others that you have a heart that can get angry.
When your success hovers from one person to the other, it will definitely get to someone who will regard it as failure.
Whenever i see someone fighting me for no reason, I'm always highly impressed that God has instigated his anger against me, just as he did to pharoah against the Israelites, so as to cast me away into my promise land of fulfilment.
Some women tend to bring insults into a little show you put forth to make them laugh, but they later accuse you of some abnormality if you keep them at arms length in order to regain your respect.