London was one of the worst places to have a bad day and one of the best places to have a good day
The rule was that they never went to the same place twice
Men like fun much more than they like clever
an utter walkover with a man who can pen a pretty email
Do nothing, and nothing happens. Life is about decisions. You either make them or they're made for you, but you can't avoid them.
Wenn man mit dem falschen Menschen zusammen ist, ist man einsamer, als wenn man allein ist. Oder genauso einsam, nur auf eine andere Art und Weise.
His sadness was almost palpable, like moisture in the air before it rains. Although this was Manchester, it was probably about to rain anyway.
University's like this little world, a bubble of time separate from everything before and everything after.
You make a nice mum,’ I mumbled. ‘I always hoped one day the woman of my dreams would say those words to me,’ he said, ruffling my vomity hair. I would’ve poked him in the ribs in reprisal, but I lacked the motor skills.