About Mencius: Mencius is the most famous Confucian after Confucius himself.
Friends are the siblings God never gave us.
Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue.
I like fish, and I also like bear's paws. If I cannot have the two together, I will let the fish go, and take the bear's paws. So, I like life, and I also like righteousness. If I cannot keep the two together, I will let life go, and choose righteous...
People can have a long-term life plan only if they know their private property is secure.
Secure property in hand leads to peace in mind.
Truth uttered before its time is always dangerous.
A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.
If the king loves music, there is little wrong in the land.
Kindly words do not enter so deeply into men as a reputation for kindness.
Let men decide firmly what they will not do, and they will be free to do vigorously what they ought to do.