The more thinking minds, the less sinking world!
A thought can be said in hundred different ways but only one of them will be very effective and popular: The one which has been said in the simplest and clearest way!
By creating an intelligent thought, you open the road for many other intelligent thoughts! By producing a stupid thought, you open the path for many other stupid thoughts! Beware of your thoughts! Create pearl, and then pearls will increase! Create m...
Not every thought is a flower; some are thorns. But while a flower may make you fall asleep and too see dreams, a thorn will wake you up and make you to think!
Worn old shoes need a good cobbler to be repaired; but worn old thoughts, only a rubbish bin!
If you want people to enter your world, you don’t need to invite them; just keep your door open and keep your thoughts plain!
Your windows are closed, your doors are closed! Open your windows, open your doors! Let the air and sunshine enter inside, let the ideas flow into you, let the thoughts flock into your mind! Take, so that you can give!
The leaves of the trees are like the thoughts of the men: Some are bright, some dark; some fresh, some rotten; some healthy, some diseased.
The right thoughts of the clever man are a ladder which takes you higher places. By climbing these ladders, one day you yourself become such a ladder itself!
Not every thought is a candle! Some thoughts can make the world darker!
It is impossible to catch today; it flows out from our palms! It is impossible to catch tomorrow; it flows out from our palms! We cannot hold them; they constantly run away from us!
If you are sure of tomorrow, there is no fool greater than you!
The face of tomorrow can be seen only in tomorrow.
A tragedy can catch us any time possible; for this very reason, we must catch the life any time possible!
Tragedy is not the second face of the life; but it is the very first face of it!
Let our road be long, let it be very long, let it be very very long and in fact let our road be infinite! Travel means flow, flow means life!
You cannot travel to the known; because all travels are towards the future and the future is unknown!
The more you travel the more you realise that you must travel even more!
Why pay money for the horror movies? Just go to a street without trees!
Even a lamb can defend itself, but a tree cannot even do that. If you are a just person, you never harm any tree, those defenceless angels!
Lonely trees are not lonely; they have their eternal companies: Songs of the birds; shadows of the clouds; lights of the Moon; whispers of the winds… Lonely trees are not lonely!