In every failure, there's the seed to even greater success. However, people waste their time complaining, instead of looking for the seed among the rubble of what was.
Cash is king. No matter how many good opportunities come your way, do not invest all your cash. If you run out of reserves, the smallest or foolish of things may bring you down. Companies with millions in assets have gone bankrupt because they cannot...
Sometimes, we try to run so fast that we can’t see the dangers until we have them before us. We don’t see the tiger hiding in the trees until it is about to eat us. Or we run pass the next opportunity without paying attention.
Quien alcanza su meta no es el que sale primero o el que maneja más rápido. Es el que comienza preparado sabiendo exactamente para dónde va.
Muchos no hacen nada con su vida porque se siente muy viejos para comenzar. Otros no hacen nada porque sienten que aún están muy jóvenes. Pero la verdad, no existe una edad correcta o predeterminada para el éxito; sólo personas que finalmente se...
No importa cuántos autos o casas tengas, o si tu cuenta de banco está llena de billetes… ¡Lo que importa es lo que sienta tu alma cada vez que te despiertas, cada momento que vives, cada experiencia que pasas!
Accept success as a good thing, and invite it into your life. Set today as the starting point for a new life. Every race starts at one point. Every building starts with one stone. Every great work, every dream, every great achievement starts somewher...