Quotes by Martin Pistorius

About Martin Pistorius:

Martin Pistorius is a South African freelance web designer, developer, and author best known for his 2011 book Ghost Boy, in which he describes living with locked-in syndrome and being unable to move for 12 to 14 years. When he was 12 he began losing voluntary motor control and eventually fell into a coma for three years. He began regaining consciousness around age 16 and achieved full consciousness by age 19, although he was still completely paralyzed with the exception of his eyes. He was unable to communicate with other people until his caregiver Virna van der Walt noticed that he could use his eyes to respond to things she said. She sent him to the University of Pretoria for testing, where they confirmed he was conscious and aware of his surroundings.

Author Bio

  • NameMartin Pistorius
  • Born1975
  • CountrySouth Africa
  • ProfessionAuthor; Web Developer