About Mahatma Gandhi: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is also called Bapu (Gujarati: endearment for "father", "papa") in India.
The future depends on what we do in the present.
There's no God higher than truth.
I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality
The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.
Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other form of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical.
Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act which deprived a whole nation of arms as the blackest.
Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.
Where choice is set between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence ... I prefer to use arms in defense of honor rather than remain the vile witness of dishonor...
Even a single lamp dispels the deepest darkness.
The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.
Gracias a que se mantienen unidas y se mueven de manera conjunta milloners de gotas forman el mar, lo mismo debería ocurrir con los seres humanos
There is no such thing as ‘too insane’ unless others turn up dead due to your actions.
All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family. I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul.
Uzmi osmeh i daruj ga onome ko ga nikad nije imao. Uzmi zrak sunca i učini da odleti tamo gde vlada noć. Otkrij izvor i okupaj onoga ko živi u blatu. Uzmi suzu i položi je na lice onoga ko nikad nije plakao. Uzmi hrabrost i stavi je u dušu onoga...
No hay caminos para la paz; la paz es el camino.
I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings.
I came to the conclusion long ago that all religions were true and that also that all had some error in them, and while I hold by my own religion, I should hold other religions as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we were Hindus, not that a C...
There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.
True beauty lies in purity of the heart.
Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vison.