With your visualization intact, commit to act.
For every forward action, there is an equally important forward reaction.
Successful continual learning means maintaining a balance and variety of success-oriented attributes, the most prominent being awareness, confidence, persistence, determination, courage, and focus. But curiosity, ingenuity, and creativity may be even...
If you wanted to be average, you would not be reading this book.
Visualization engages the mind and encourages the body.
You must be grounded to take flight.
From within the mind we look out and envision, contemplating and interpreting each new challenge and the action we will take.
People rise to the occasion without hesitation when they feel inspired and challenged.
The limitless mind lets us dream and examine and explore. It opens us up to opportunity. We come up with a desire, a clear, fresh perspective, and a potential goal to observe from afar. And we wonder, is this it, the right choice, the best choice to ...
When there is no distraction, there is clarity.
Becoming limitless involves mental agility; the ability to quickly grasp and incorporate new ideas and concepts with confidence.
True confidence is born of experiencing your hard work and seeing your determination pay off.
I have been thinking about the idea of excuses for some time now. They are like menacing demons that creep into our lives without us knowing. They are roadblocks, white lies to ourselves, a reason to set the bar lower, and self-justification for achi...
An aspirational diet will have you dreaming of success; but it’s the attachment of expectations and tangible goals that feeds the desire, persistence, and fortitude required to make the win.
How can you possibly do everything you want to do in life if you start doing a bunch of things twice?
Value the effort you put forward. Be determined, committed, and involved.
I don't ever want to be a fair-weather anything. Playing through the elements is always better than sitting on the sidelines.
Think in terms of opportunities and solutions instead of problems, disappointment, and failure.
Own 100 percent of your focus. The most challenging of endurance drills will bring you to a level of optimal mental and physical performance.
True sportsmanship is excellence in motion!
When I think of excellence in motion, I think of the big picture. Because of the magnitude of this concept, I look at it from an aerial perspective. It is a mindset that challenges the boundaries of self-induced limits—that point where you aspire t...