Be good to everyone you meet.
He who want to be served must first know how to serve.
In the morning when I wake up, my first thoughts are on God. I am always thankful for safe sleep and the grace to wake up to see the light of a new day.
Manifest of souls; Adventurous soul, Enthusiastic soul, Sound soul, Happy soul, Great soul.
We must complement each other beautifully.
Hate will destroy you. Let love be the basis of which you live your life.
You have enough grace for each day task.
Count every second of your life as the greatest blessing.
Live each day with a grateful gratitude.
I am a happy soul.
No one can foretell the details in a day, we can only hope.
Happiness is a state of mental,physical and spiritual well-being. Think pleasantly,engaged sport and read daily to enhance your well-being.
Nourish your soul, mediate daily.
Relieve your pain. Shedding tears is good for the soul.
Music, brings the soul alive. Music promotes wellness and sound mind.
What is your vision of ideal world?
Be kind to all the people you meet on your journey.
A call to duty, a call for service.
Our service for one another is a service to humanity.
We shall always treasure the wonderful times shared with amazing people.
Read good books to improve yourself.