Quote by: Kim Addonizio

And finally the glass that contains and spills this stuff continually while the drinker hunches before it, while the bartender gathers up empties, gives back the drinker's own face. Who knows what it looks like; who cares whether or not it was young once, or ever lovely, who gives a shit about some drunk rising to stagger toward the bathroom, some man or woman or even lost angel who recklessly threw it all over—heaven, the ether, the celestial works—and said, Fuck it, I want to be human?

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Author Bio

  • NameKim Addonizio
  • DescriptionPoet, novelist
  • BornJuly 31, 1954
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionNovelist; Poet
  • AwardsGuggenheim Fellowship