A moment of time is the biggest mystery in physics.
Time is more important than matter, The moment more important than the particle.
A moment after a moment after a moment is power.
A moment should never be too big or too small, yet it cannot be measured.
The only measurement I understand is a moment of time.
The universe is a big moment.
How Big is a Moment of Time?
In each moment there is another moment we do not know.
A moment of time is a firm foundation of a universe construction.
My soul is in the moment of time.
A moment is the beginning-end duality.
Every moment of time is a miracle.
A line begins with a point. A point begins with a Moment.
A moment of time is the universe's fastest growing quantity.
A moment of time is the universe's fastest growing entity.
Reality is in a moment of now.
Remember a moment of time... for it is the beginning of always.
The secret of life is not in the DNA, The secret of life is in a moment of time.
Life begins with a Moment.
Length begins with a Moment.
A line begins with a Moment.