Arms lovers are sick people.
In research, madness is not a handicap.
Time is magic, magic is time.
The sky is where time and magic become one.
Time, you don't know, looks like magic.
Magic is a state of matter.
Math is the dirty part of physics.
Mathematics itself is a black hole of physics.
Zero is a black hole of mathematics.
The meaning of time is that it never stops.
We are time’s memories when we are gone.
Time can erase mind memory.
Time has a memory with the universe.
Time is the memory of the universe.
Time existed before the universe including space and it will exist far after the universe along with space is gone. Space, gravity and all quantities only originates and exists at the mercy of time. Matter only exists because of time.
Physics is the science of metaphysics.
Philosophy of physics is all metaphysics.
Mind is a state of matter.
Passion is a state of mind.
The true mystery of the universe is a moment of time, not dark matter or energy.
The true mystery of the universe is a moment of time, not the universe itself.