I´ve been Obeahed by an Obeahman? Is this like how the smurfs say they smurfing smurfed all the time?
You’re sure you didn’t leave? Didn’t try to explore Thunder Bay again, maybe go down to the park and, I don’t know, dismember some poor jogger?
What are you going to fill it with?" she asks. "Holy water or something?" "Probably Dasani," Thomas replies.
You wouldn't think that people would believe that we all got so incredibly beat up—in so many interesting ways—from a bear attack. Especially not when Carmel is sporting a bite mark that is a spot-on match for wounds found at one of the most horr...
The accusations make me want to be kid again. Why isn't my mommy calling them big fat liars?
They shouldn't be allowed to teach math so early in the morning.
Life doesn't work like that. It doesn't care about fair or unfair.
It's the wrong way. She's farther away from the door now. It occurs to me that some people only have book smarts.
This is what men risk so much for; this shiver, this acute heat and desire. This is what they think eternity feels like.