MISTEND MINDSET Manipulate suicidal thoughts to manufacture life-coping tools
SUICIDE can be considered an act of MURDER committed on ONESELF
RECURRENT CURRENTS Like the ocean, life ebbs and flows with the occasional rip Kamil Ali
ORTHODOX PARADOX Religion, unlike ethnicity, is inculcated Kamil Ali
RETURN TO TENDER Our aging parents deserve the same loving care they gave us in infancy Kamil Ali
Overcoming negative experiences defines character and increases wisdom.
I LOVE YOU Don't just 'think' it. Say it before it's too late - The burden of regret is a heavy cross to bear
ASSERT - Always Stand Strong, Evoking Respect Tacitly
SINK OR SWIM ALERT Folks with low self-esteem will push you under to save their drowning egos Kamil Ali
LATENT TALENT Anagram of complacency Kamil Ali
ADVERSE REVERSE Advanced technology has regressed us into warmongering apes with superior weapons Kamil Ali
The world carried on before we arrived. We make our entrance, adapt to our surroundings and join the chase to nowhere. We depart without fulfilment. The world carries on.
If you quit pursuing your dreams, you will never know how close you've come to success. It might have been hidden behind that next door you decided not to open, since the last fifty doors revealed little or nothing.
Dawn's Spawn: Cause and Effect Criticizing the next generation reflects on us. We hold the power to carve out good citizens who will take over the planet and wrest control from us. Step up with your hammer and chisel to create a defined character. Gi...
TODAY- Turn On Dreams Abandoned Yesterday
FRACTURED FACTIONS Many cults are created by the uncontrollable egos of religious zealots
DON'T QUIT NOW Successful graduates from the school of life thrive on failed attempts Kamil Ali