Du glaubst, es ging mir um die Unsterblichkeit?” Ein raspelndes Kichern. “Darauf seid allein ihr Menschen so versessen. Keine andere Kreatur lebt in solcher Furcht vor ihrer eigenen Vergänglichkeit.
Merle had the feeling that he almost kissed her, but then his lips only touched her hair briefly, and all she could think of was that she hadn't washed it for days. It was crazy, really. Here they were, all trapped in this accursed sphinx stronghold,...
Wahrscheinlich werde ich jede Nacht von dir träumen", sagte er. "Und wenn ich aufwache, weiß ich, dass der beste Teil des Tages schon vorbei ist." "Das hast du irgendwo gelesen." "Hab ich nicht.
Weißt du, die Leute lügen, wenn sie sagen, nichts sei so stark wie die Liebe. Das ist eine der größten und gemeinsten Lügen überhaupt. Liebe ist nicht stark. Sie ist so verletzlich wie nur irgendwas. Und wenn wir nicht achtgeben, dann zerbricht...
If we were scars, our memories would be the stitches holding us together. You couldn't cut them apart, and if you did, it would tear you in two." "But my memories hurt," she said. "I want to forget. There's so much I just want to forget." "How are yo...
Jolly felt salty tears on her lips, and for the first time in her life it occurred to her that sorrow tasted exactly like the sea.
This showed once again that everyone had something different to lose in this battle. Some were concerned for their lives, and some for those they cared most about: rays, sea horses, even the chickens that ran free in the streets of the city because t...