About Joyce Meyer: Joyce Meyer is a Charismatic Christian author and speaker. Meyer and her husband Dave have four grown children, and live outside St. Louis, Missouri. Her ministry is headquartered near the St. Louis suburb of Fenton, Missouri.
Know that as a Christian, your destiny is to be Christlike in all of your ways.
A BMW can't take you as far as a diploma.
Once I realized that right thinking is vital to victorious living, I got more serious about thinking about what I was thinking about, and choosing my thoughts carefully.
Sometimes when you've had a long series of disappointing things happen, you can get into the very bad habit of just expecting more of what you've already had.
There's a part of you - the born-again part, your spirit - that's dead to sin. That's why it bothers you now when you sin. The 'wilderness' part of you - your soul - is your unrenewed mind, out-of-control emotions, and stubborn will.
Humility is not something that comes naturally. But it is a cardinal virtue that should be pursued more than any other.
If we're really honest with ourselves, most of us will admit that we want to impress people, and this is what's causing us to do what we do.
Simplicity is a key to avoiding complication. Part of the definition of simplicity is 'not complex or complicated; sincere.'
Character is expressed through our behavior patterns, or natural responses to things.
It's very inexpensive to give a compliment.
A lot of times, people make other people responsible for their joy: 'You're not making me happy, you're not doing this, you're not doing that.'
Humble people ask for help.
Catering to bad feelings feeds and empowers them.
Don't just let the devil use your mind as a garbage dump.
I was tormented with guilt for years and years. In fact, it was so bad that if I didn't feel wrong, I didn't feel right!
Christianity is a lifestyle. And being a Christian is more than a label.
We live in an imperfect world, and imperfect people surround us every day.
All of our problems start in our minds.
I pray while driving. I pray while working, and while relaxing.
To compromise simply means that you go a tiny bit below what you know is right.
Many people in the western world are spoiled by the conveniences of our culture.